Monday, February 18, 2013

drawing is...

its interesting that people have so much trouble defining what exactly drawing IS. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that drawing has existed even before communication was developed (let alone writing, which started out as a form of drawing

painting though, most people would not consider what I do painting. I guess that is fair, but what is paint other than a bunch of pigments bound together by some sort of medium. What is painting other than the application of such bound pigments onto a surface. Why cant my surface be a wall, the floor, the air. Why can't my pigments be buttons and beads and thread and fabric? why not use wire or string to bind it all together...

I don't think i like the idea of talking about my artwork as being either drawing or painting or sculpture... I feel as though a lot of what it is called has to do with which way is more interesting to converse about an object. A painting can be a sculpture, but its not very fun to talk about something that is simply four 2x4 planks of wood being stapled together and glued and wrapped over with canvas in a rectangular pattern. It's more interesting to talk about what's on it. A sculpture can be a painting, but it's not necessarily interesting to talk about it in terms of its one-color-ness. But it could be. Either way, I think it's a matter of perspective. Nothing is quite set in stone...

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